Cat Grooming Basics

Grooming is one of the basics of caring for a cat. No matter what breed, from the street cat to the prestigious Abyssinian, grooming should be included in the maintenance for many reasons. Obviously, grooming serves to take care of the basics like keeping the coat healthy and a general overall health check up. However, it is also an excellent time to spend with your kitty bonding. It gets them used to being handled early as well.


It is easy to add a few extra steps.

  • Purchase a good grooming brush and begin early by brushing every day.
  • Be sure to play with the nails by pushing them out of their sockets. Play with feet so they are comfortable with this. Start clipping nails right away so that this becomes a weekly habit.
  • Depending on the type of cat you have baths may be a major part of grooming. Breeds like the Abyssinian’s can have very oily skin and need a bath every other week or so. Starting when they are young is the only way they will learn to tolerate this.
  • If a Persian or Maine Coon is part of the regular family shaves may be necessary. Again, starting this when they are very little will provide them with comfort as they ride in a car to the groomer and become used to all the noises associated with this adventure.
  • Check out the ears regularly as many times wax can build up and they will need a gentle cleaning.
  • If you have an Abyssinian or Exotic Shorthair you may need to regularly clean around the eyes as they tend to drip. The color of a cat’s tear is reddish brown.
  • The mouth should be checked regularly and brushing your cat’s teeth is a great way to ensure good dental hygiene.
  • Lastly, checking around the back end is important. A long hair cat can get matted in that area, and a “vanity” shave is sometimes needed.


Basic Grooming Material For Abyssinian’s:

  • Several kinds of brushes- a Furminator is awesome for cats with thick or undercoats.
  • Q-tips
  • Paper towels
  • Cat shampoo and conditioner
  • Kitty wipes
  • A grooming kit for long coated cats
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Towels
  • Nail clipper
  • Talk with your vet and your groomer to identify the best long term grooming care for you and your kitty.It can also be used to remove fur from furniture. Some grooming gloves can be used for brushing, bathing, massaging, and to clean the furniture and carpet. Now are you brave enough to groom your nice kitty? If you are, then you have a slew of products to work with to make your wonderful feline friend as well groomed as possible. Brushing your cat will be the most fun part of grooming her. Many cats are playful when brushed and some will even twirl around in a low-sided box while being brushed. A good box for this is one that green peas or soft drinks are packaged in.
  • If you start grooming your cat when she is a kitten she will be easier to condition to the idea of being groomed.


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