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Abys Cat Adoption Process and Checklist Part 3

Abys Cat Adoption Process and Checklist Part 3

Welcome your cat into its new home!

Have your cat vaccinated, neutered or spayed, and microchipped

If you adopt from a shelter, often these cats will already have this done, or it will be necessary for you to get it done once they reach a certain age. Your cat will be vaccinated against feline distemper and rabies, but there are other vaccinations that your vet may recommend. If your cat isn’t neutered or spayed, the first examination is a perfect time to set up this very important surgery. Microchipping (implanting a traceable chip just under the skin) is also a great idea if your cat ever is lost.

  • It isn’t cheap providing the best health care for your cat, but emergency treatment for preventable diseases or conditions is much more expensive. Getting pet insurance helps reduces costs too.


Provide a litter box for the cat

Take a plastic litter box and fill this indoor “restroom” with clean kitty litter. Set the litter box in a quiet area of your house where your cat can easily get to it. When you bring the cat home, show her where the litter box is so she knows where her restroom is located.

  • You might put the litter box in a quiet hallway or second bathroom.


Litter train your kitten

While adult cats will already know what to do, you’ll need to train your kitten on how to use the litter box. Training a kitten is pretty easy. Have the box located in an easily accessible spot and set the kitten in it. She will usually use it then and as long as she’s shown it a couple of times she’ll get the idea. Make sure the box isn’t too high. This way, she can get into it easily.

  • Be sure to clean the box daily and change the litter every week. This will keep the box fresh. If you let your cat outside, you may often find that they will go to the toilet outside, which means you won’t have to clean out the box as often (or possibly even have one at all).


Offer food and water

Set out a food and water dish that your cat can always get to. Choose as high a quality cat food as you can. This may cost more initially, but food is one of the cheapest ways to keep your cat healthy. If you use dry food, give your cat a can of wet food every once in awhile. Make sure the water dish always has clean, fresh water. Avoid giving milk or cream, since they can cause diarrhea and gas.

  • Follow the feeding instructions that come with the cat’s food. Cats can either have food free choice (as long as they don’t overeat) or can be fed three times a day. Keep treats to a minimum, since obesity in cats is a problem that can predispose them to serious diseases like diabetes.
  • Feed your kitten a specific kitten food until she turns one, or before if she gains too much weight, or is spayed. Then, transition her to adult cat food over a period of seven to 10 days.


Provide a scratching post and toys

Cats need to scratch for behavioral health. If you don’t offer a scratching post, your cat will scratch wooden furniture and other items. If you find loose claws around your posts, don’t worry, cats lose their claws and replace them with newer sharper claws. If you wish to trim your cat’s claws for the safety of your family or others, ensure you get a vets advice so as to ensure you do not hurt or alarm your cat when doing so. Only trim if necessary, as cats use their claws for many different things, and life is easier for them when they’re sharp, not trimmed.

  • Toy mice and other fun toys will help keep your cat entertained and give some exercise.

Decide whether your cat may go outside

If you do let your cat outside, be sure to install a cat flap so she has a way back in. Magnetic cat flaps are recommended as then other cats cannot enter your house. Keep in mind there are a lot of serious hazards outside for cats, but often over time, cats should come to recognise dangers and avoid them eg. Busy roads or regular dog walkers. Cats that go outside may bring you ‘unwanted gifts’ but this is just in their natural hunting instincts. Also, if your cat starts going to the toilet outside, you’re less likely to have to clean out the litter tray as often.


Socialize your cat or kitten

Some cats or kittens with limited human contact might be uncomfortable around people. If your kitten runs, hides, and hisses or spits if she can’t get away, she’s not being aggressive, just fearful. Place the kitten in a cat kennel that’s in a room in the house where there is a lot of human activity, like a kitchen or living room, so she can slowly get used to the TV, radio, and normal everyday human activity.

  • Go slow. Don’t force your cat or kitten to interact with you. Gradually let her come to you.


Let the cat or kitten get comfortable with you

Use small bites (less than a fingertip full) of canned kitten food on a spoon tip to entice the kitten to you. In very fearful kittens that do hiss and try to run, wear leather gloves to avoid bite wounds to the hands. Wrap the kitten in a towel with only her head sticking out. This calms the kitten and protects you from scratches.

  • Hold the kitten close to your body so your warmth and heartbeat soothe the kitten. Do this for a couple of hours a day to make her comfortable with you. You will know you’ve been successful when the kitten is comfortable enough to purr and fall asleep while you are holding her.


Watch your cat in her new surroundings

Now that you have a new cat in your home, make sure all the family members know how to care for her properly. Teach children not to be too rough, and introduce the cat to other animals so that she won’t be afraid. If you have a kitten, don’t let larger children play too rough with her. Pay attention to your cat’s eating, behavior and bathroom habits so you’ll know if she seems ill.

  • Play with your cat often and meet her needs. You’ll find your new pet makes an excellent companion.


Part 3 reprinted from: https://www.wikihow.pet/Adopt-a-Cat

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Abyssinian Cat Allergies

We all know that family member who get all stuffy, coughy, itchy, or red swollen eyes around pets. Whether you are that family member or not, there are always ways to help live with pet allergies. Life with cat allergies can raise many questions, such as: Will you regret making your kids happy by gifting them a cat? Will a hypoallergenic cat allow you to live a life without sneezing and sniffling? How can you explain a cat allergy to your child’s endless allergy / cold symptoms?

Continue reading to learn everything there is to know about cat allergies, from what causes your specifically, to treatments, and a worst case scenario, avoidance.

Causes of Cat Allergies

Aafa.org estimates that roughly 10% of Americans have pet allergies, with the majority of those being related to cat allergies. In fact, cat allergies account for twice the number of dog allergies. The cause for this increase from dog allergies is attributed to the fact that it is not just the cats hair or fur that causes the allergy (as is the case with most dog allergies). Instead, people with cat allergies are most commonly allergic to the proteins in the cat’s saliva, urine, and dander (skin).

What makes these proteins so allergenic? Why are humans more susceptible to cat allergies than other household pets? The answer is: The immune system of someone with allergies is hypersensitive to normally harmless things (cat dander or saliva for example) and confuses them for dangerous compounds such as a virus or bacteria. This hypersensitivity to aspects of your pet cat is the cause of the allergy symptoms.

One of our readers also reminded us that pets can also transport other known allergens by being outside, and transporting those allergens to your home. Cats can transport pollen, spores, and even poison ivy on their fur and transfer that to you!

“So can’t I just get a hairless cat?” You might ask. Many people hear that an expensive hypoallergenic cat may be able to solve you or a loved ones cat allergies. Well, as we mentioned above, not everyone is allergic to the cat fur or hair, it can be the cats saliva or urine causing the outbreaks. Therefore, any cat has the potential to cause allergic reactions, and if you are truly looking for a cat, and are considering a hairless cat please consult a doctor first. Test your body to see if it is the cat hair or other aspects of a cat causing your allergies. Without knowing for sure, getting a hypoallergenic cat, regardless of the type, is not a safe plan.


Common symptoms of cat allergies

The most common of pet allergies, specifically cat allergies typically include at least one symptom below

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hives
  • Rashes
  • Red and swollen eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy nose
  • Sneezing

These symptoms can take a few minutes up to several hours to take effect. Nearly 25% of people with one or more cat allergy symptom have severe outbreaks after coming in contact with a cat for as short a time as 1 hour.


How to find out if you have a cat allergy

As mentioned before, your pets and cat in particular is capable of gathering allergens on its fur and releasing the pollen and spores in your home. So with this in mind, don’t think that a cat allergy is as obvious as it seems. In most cases it’s a good idea to schedule a doctor appointment to conduct an allergy test to pinpoint the cause of your allergies. Don’t just blame the pet!

Depending on the allergy, your doctor may conduct either a skin or blood test to determine the root cause of your pesky allergy. Don’t be surprised if the doctor can’t be 100% conclusive after the test, as the tests are not perfect. In many instances a doctor will suggest living with a cat or keeping your cat indoors for a month or two to measure the impact on your allergy symptoms.


Fixing your cat allergy problem through treatment

Cat allergies are possible to control with allergy medicine, but seeing as how I’m not a doctor I’ll let you consult yours before taking online advice.  If you are interested in potential recommendations check out webmd for suggestions.

If you are looking to solve your cat allergies the best option outside of modern medicine, is to reduce your exposure to cats. In order to do so here are a few tips and tricks which will help manage cat allergies.

  • Don’t touch, cuttle, hug, or kiss cats. If this isn’t second nature by now, make it! Even a small amount of brief contact may be enough to trigger allergies.
  • Watchout for friends with cats! – Even if your friends and family leave their cats at home, the dander that they can transport on their clothing may be enough to trigger your allergy symptoms.
  • Plan accordingly! – If you have to stay in a house with cats, let the owner know of your allergy. Ask them to keep the cat out of the areas you will be using, specifically sleeping in for a few days before your visit.  If possible ask them to vacuum or add an air filter.

Don’t ignore the symptoms of a cat allergy, instead visit a doctor and find a way to understand, manage and control your allergic symptoms.

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Declawing Surgery and Ethics

Many cat owners must decide whether or not to declaw their pets. Owners must realize that cat declawing is not a simple issue. Whether they realize it or not, there are short and long-term effects that declawing can have a cat. It is ultimately the owner’s decision, however, to weigh these issues and see whether or not declawing is necessary. Below are some of the issues that can be considered by cat owners. Keep in mind if your cat is causing you trouble you can always contact us to help you find a better home for it.

Why Cat’s Need Claws

First, it is important to consider what an Aby cat uses its claws for. They use them to mark their territory, and to survive. They also use them for their agility in jumping, chasing, and running. Their retractable claws help them establish good footing and balance. A cat will also use its claws for defense against predators. Often, an owner will only see a cat’s claws as the reason their sofa, carpet, or curtains are torn and ruined.

When a cat is declawed, it is not as simple as cutting off its toenails. A cat’s claws are attached to ligament, tendons, and bones. Removal of the claws is likened to amputating each finger of a human hand. Similarly, declawing cuts off the first bone of each of the cat’s toes. It is also a very painful recovery for the cat since it walks on these now tender paws. There is no pain medication given to the cat afterward since cats do not tolerate them well – so every step it takes will produce pain for some time. Often, owners will note a psychological affect from declawing also. The once friendly, the playful cat will become quiet and aloof.

Declawing Surgery

Since declawing is an operation that requires anesthesia, complications from the procedure itself can arise. Although rare, infection, excessive bleeding, possible paralysis, as well as death from the anesthesia can occur. If not done correctly, there is also the possibility of the claw growing back abnormally, growing through the top or bottom of the paw.

A cat’s whole defense system relies on its claws. Once declawed, a cat should never be allowed outside. If confronted, especially by another animal, a cat will claw or chase and run. When chasing and running, a cat relies on its claws. Without claws, it is unable to fight. You may honestly believe that since your cat is solely kept in the house, it will have no need for self-defense, and use this as an excuse to declaw. Unfortunately, even a house cat can get loose. You have now left your cat defenseless in the world. What chance would it have in the face of danger?

The fact is that declawing is banned in many countries, as they consider it an inhumane procedure. Declawing does have alternatives though. Proper training of the cat will eliminate human scratching, as well as furniture scratching. To deal further with furniture scratching, buy a scratching post. Make sure the post is not made of carpeting, but rather of some material similar to the backing on carpeting. Also, be sure to trim the cat’s claws regularly as part of your routine cat grooming. This will enable you, the cat, and its claws to live in harmony.


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Cat declawing is a thorny issue and deciding whether to do it or not is one of the most important decisions a car owner has to make.

The Truth About Cat Declawing

According to the veterinarian Neil Wolff, declawing is not only unnecessary procedure but it also inhumane. Declawing is an interference with the cat’s nature, and people often decide to do it because of their lack of information and incorrect knowledge.

Dr. Nicholas Dodman, who is the author of The Cat Who Cried for Help, and the director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, thinks that declawing is the same as mutilation to a tee. He also says that this procedure is used as a model of severe pain for the testing of analgesic medications.

Declawing is a common practice in the USA, but it is not popular in Europe. In fact, this procedure is against the law in many European countries, for example in England, Germany, and Switzerland.

The Declawing Surgery

The standard declawing procedure involves the removal of the claws, the cells that are responsible for the claw’s growth, and a part of or all of the terminal bone of the toe. This procedure aims to stop the cat from scratching furniture, people or other animals. Declawing can be defined as an amputation and is similar to the removal of the fingers of the human hand at the last knuckle. The manipulation causes significant pain to the cat, and the healing process is quite painful, too.

What You Should Know

Cat owners should know that the cat’s claws are not toenails as in other animals. Claws are movable digits that are attached to the muscle in the same way fingers are attached. Cats have powerful ligaments and tendons that extend and retract the claws. If you remove these, the cat will not be able to grasp, walk, run and spring properly. If the end digit and the claw are removed, the sensory and motor nerves are damaged and destroyed. Thus the cat should walk on the stub end of the second digit. People who undergo such procedure usually rest while cats must continue scratching in their litter box, they walk and try jumping, no matter the pain they feel.

How is Declawing Performed?

Declawing can be carried out in several different ways but the aim is the same: to completely remove the third phalanx, which is the last bone in the toe, and the claw that is growing from it.

Some veterinarians use laser surgery which is considered to be less painful and to cause less bleeding. The procedure uses a laser to cut the tissue by heating it. This means that the bleeding, the pain and the healing time are significantly reduced. However, the cat’s toes will still be in bandages and a few weeks will be needed before the cat starts walking normally again. In some cases, cats recover very quickly; this is typical for kittens.

There is another method, called penectomy, which is becoming very popular. During this procedure, the law is not amputated but is removed a piece of the tendon that controls the extension of the claws. The result of the surgery is intact claws that are permanently extended. Cats usually can use their claws to some extent, but they cannot scratch properly. Cats cannot sharpen their claws, and they grow excessively, so claws’ trimming is required very often.

Alternatives of Declawing

1. Provide a scratching post

The scratching post should be strong enough and tall enough. You can use sisal and corrugated cardboard for the service of the scratching post. The usage of carpet is not recommended as it tears up very easy and the cat may be confused with the carpet on the floor and scratch there instead of on the post.

Cats should be praised when they use the post. You can try making it a fun place by putting the toy on it or around it. The position should be easily accessible. In case you want to make your cat stop scratching a piece of furniture, place the post in front of it and gradually move it away when the cat begins using it regularly.

2.Train your cat

You should train your cat to scratch on the “right” things. Praise the cat every time she scratches on the post. If the cat scratches on the place where she should be doing so, call her by her name, tell her “no” and move her to the scratching post. You can put the cat’s front legs on the post and start making scratching motions to show her what she is supposed to do. Also, you can dangle a toy on the post, and the cat will touch the post as she goes for the toy.

3. Trim your cat’s claws

You should trim your cat’s claws regularly because it is essential for maintenance of the cat’s hygiene. This will also reduce the scratches you and your furniture may suffer. If you clip the cat’s claws once a week, the destruction of furniture caused by scratching will be reduced to a minimum. It is recommended that the clipping is performed by two people – one to hold the car and the other to clip the claws. Do not use regular scissors. You should use only special cat clippers. Also, remember to clip only the tip of the claw. Be careful about veins that are near the Claw’s base.

4.Nail Caps

Some years ago, a new product that reduces the damage on furniture had been presented on the market. “Soft Paws”™ (or Soft Claws®) presents plastic nail caps. They are glued to the cat’s claws after the claws have been trimmed. The results of using the product are great, and there are almost no scratch damages on the furniture. The caps should be replaced every month.

If you love your cat and care for your cat, you should not declaw her. You can train the cat to not scratch the furniture if you follow the advice mentioned above. However, a declawing procedure is excruciating and unnatural. So, give your cat love and affection, and provide her with a long and happy life without declawing it.

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National Rescue

National Abyssinian Cat Rescue and Adoption Website

Welcome to Abyssinian Rescue. Thank you for stopping by! At Abyssinian Rescue we believe every animal deserves the best in life and we have invested a lot of resources to make that happen. We help lost and found aby cats find their owners, place abys who were abused or neglected in new homes and replace owners who cannot care for their cats anymore. Since we opened, hundreds of cats and kittens have found a loving home through our adoption program. All the cats in our care receive daily care from committed staff and volunteers.

What’s more, we provide informative and useful information on the human-cat relationship to help pet owners to not only keep their animals healthy, but also permanently in their homes. Our website has articles on pet training all written by professionals and experts in human psychology as well as animal behavior and training.

Facts about cat adoption

Adopting an Abyssinian can bring a lot of happiness into your life. Besides getting a furry friend for life, you will be getting a friend that will significantly reduce your day to day life stresses and can potentially save your life. And unlike what most people think, not all adopted cats are damaged. In fact most of them end up in rescue homes and shelters for various reasons that are beyond their control. For example some life circumstances may make a loving pet owner unable to continue taking care of the pet, hence he or she drops off the kitty at a shelter, trusting that the pet will find a good home.

Also, being admitted into a shelter, most Abys are usually given a medical exam and any necessary vaccinations to make sure they are healthy before you meet them. And if in case you adopt a cat that requires additional care, our staff will help you understand how to best care for the pet at home. Our staff also conduct behavior assessments, so you can sure the pet you are adopting is safe and ready for her new home. Adoption is simply the quickest and the best way for a pet to leave a rescue center safely. It is like saving a life. If you had the option of adopting and saving a life and not to adopt, what would you go for? You can make a huge difference by adopting a pet!

Adoptions make a friend forever

Although the say a dog is man’s best friend, cats too can be your perfect best friend if you let them into your heart. Anyone who owns a cat, especially an Abyssinian, will tell you that it is very difficult not to fall in love with your furry friend once you establish a bond. Cats not only have the ability to read our emotions but they are also loving and can make you feel special and wanted, with their desire to always be around you whenever you are around.

Whether it is when you are feeling blue or after a long day at work, these pets can read you like no other. Also, a cat is a friend that will never judge you. He will love you to the end of the world and back regardless of whatever happens. They are also good at making their owners feel good because of their affection and their unconditional love will definitely raise your self-esteem.

Better than Buying from a Pet Store

-Adoption helps stop pet overpopulation

Neutering and spaying is mandatory for all cats in our home. This makes sure that the pet you adopt from us will not be part of the pet overpopulation problem.

-Adoption saves lives

Most rescue homes are overcrowded and adoption will go a long way in saving the pet’s life as well as making room for other pets.

-Adoption gives a second chance

The main reason why most people take their pets to shelters is because of life circumstances such as a new baby, a move or a divorce. By adopting the pet you will be giving it a second chance in life to have a family.

-Adoption is cheaper

Cats adopted from reliable rescue homes often cost less than those purchased.

Benefits of adopting an adult cat

Although most people look for an admirable kitten when looking for a pet, they usually don’t realize the patience and time involved in raising the pet properly. Not only do they take a lot of energy and time, they can also be too demanding for first time or busy owners. That is why it is highly recommended that you seriously consider adopting a senior citizen and there are various advantages of this:


Because most adult cats came from other homes, odds are that they have very friendly temperaments and adorable house manners.

-Already Litter Box Trained

Adult cats are already accustomed to using a litter box, so you won’t have a problem with litter.

-Better around Children

While Kittens have sharp claws and teeth and have no idea of how to play nicely, adult cats are much gentler and are way better around kids.

-They Need You

Though cats are independent animals, they still need your attention and love. Adult cats have no shortage of loyalty and affection and you may be surprised of how grateful he or she is to you.

-Lower Maintenance

Kittens have a lot of energy and like moving around. So if you are not careful they can easily start damaging your furniture and house in general. Kittens also require more veterinary checkups to make sure they have been neutered and spayed.

If you are ready for the challenge and you have a good environment for a pet, you should consider going for a cat adoption. This can be a rewarding and pleasurable experience and something that many people never regret.

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